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deposit.go is responsible for recording and managing the user's deposit behavior. The assets that the user deposited are not immediately transferred to the other zone, but are transferred to the ibc-controller address between the supernova and the other zone. These assets are periodically transferred to the ibc-host address of the other zone and deposited automatically.


func (k Keeper) SetDepositRecord(ctx sdk.Context, msg *types.DepositRecord) {}

SetDepositRecord stores the contents of the DepositRecord message entered as an input in the store.


func (k Keeper) GetUserDepositRecord(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, claimer sdk.AccAddress) (result *types.DepositRecord, found bool) {}

GetUserDepositRecord gets the Deposit information from the store that corresponds to the zondId and the claimer address.


func (k Keeper) GetTotalDepositAmtForZoneId(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId, denom string, state types.DepositStatusType) sdk.Coin {}

GetTotalDepositAmtForZoneId returns the sum of all Deposit coins corresponding to a specified zoneId.


func (k Keeper) GetTotalDepositAmtForUserAddr(ctx sdk.Context, userAddr, denom string) sdk.Coin {}

GetTotalDepositAmtForUserAddr returns the sum of the user's address entered as input and the deposit coin corresponding to the coin denom.


func (k Keeper) SetDepositOracleVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, state types.DepositStatusType, oracleVersion uint64) {}

SetDepositOracleVersion updates the Oracle version for recorded Deposit requests. This action is required for the correct equity calculation.


func (k Keeper) ChangeDepositState(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, preState, postState types.DepositStatusType) bool {}

ChangeDepositState updates the deposit records corresponding to the preState to postState. This operation runs in the hook after the remote deposit is run.


func (k Keeper) SetDelegateRecordVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, state types.DepositStatusType, version uint64) bool {}

SetDelegateRecordVersion updates the deposit version performed by the bot for the state of the deposit records corresponding to zoneId.


func (k Keeper) DeleteRecordedDepositItem(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, depositor sdk.AccAddress, state types.DepositStatusType) error {}

DeleteRecordedDepositItem deletes the records corresponding to state among the depositor's assets deposited in the zone corresponding to zoneId.


func (k Keeper) GetAllAmountNotMintShareToken(ctx sdk.Context, zone *icacontroltypes.RegisteredZone) (sdk.Coin, error) {}

GetAllAmountNotMintShareToken returns the sum of assets that have not yet been issued by the user among the assets that have been deposited.


func (k Keeper) IterateDepositRecord(ctx sdk.Context, fn func(index int64, depositRecord types.DepositRecord) (stop bool)) {}

IterateDepositRecord navigates all deposit requests.


undelegate.go is responsible for recording and managing the user's undelegation behavior. Undelegate takes more than a few weeks to complete.

In addition, cosmos chains have a limit on the number of undelegate requests that can be applied at once. Therefore, the Undelegate request requested by the user is saved as PendingUndelegate. Once every few days, we collect the PendingUndelegate request and request to release the delegation.


func (k Keeper) SetUndelegateRecord(ctx sdk.Context, record *types.UndelegateRecord) {}

SetUndelegateRecord writes a record of the user's undelegation actions.


func (k Keeper) GetUndelegateRecord(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId, delegator string) (result *types.UndelegateRecord, found bool) {}

GetUndelegateRecord returns the record corresponding to zoneId and delegator among the user's undelegation records.


func (k Keeper) GetAllUndelegateRecord(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string) []*types.UndelegateRecord {}

GetAllUndelegateRecord returns all undelegate records corresponding to zoneId.


func (k Keeper) GetUndelegateAmount(ctx sdk.Context, snDenom string, zone icacontroltypes.RegisteredZone, version uint64, state types.UndelegatedStatusType) (sdk.Coin, sdk.Int) {}

GetUndelegateAmount gets the information that corresponds to the zone during the de-delegation history.


func (k Keeper) ChangeUndelegateState(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, state types.UndelegatedStatusType) {}

ChangeUndelegateState changes the status for recorded undelegation.


UNDELEGATE_REQUEST_USER Just requested undelegate by user. It is not in undelegate period.

UNDELEGATE_REQUEST_ICA Requested by ICA, It is in undelegate period.


func (k Keeper) GetUndelegateVersionStore(ctx sdk.Context) prefix.Store {}

GetUndelegateVersionStore returns the store that stores the UndelegateVersion data. The un-delegation task is periodically operated by the bot, so it stores the version for the last action.


func (k Keeper) SetUndelegateVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, version uint64) {}

SetUndelegateVersion sets the new undelgate Version.


func (k Keeper) GetUndelegateVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string) uint64 {}

GetUndelegateVersion returns the latest un-delegation version.


func (k Keeper) SetUndelegateRecordVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, state types.UndelegatedStatusType, version uint64) bool {}

SetUndelegateRecordVersion navigates undelegate records and updates version for records corresponding to zoneId and state.


func (k Keeper) DeleteUndelegateRecords(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, state types.UndelegatedStatusType) {}

DeleteUndelegateRecords deletes records corresponding to zoneId and state for undelegate records.


func (k Keeper) IterateUndelegatedRecords(ctx sdk.Context, fn func(index int64, undelegateInfo *types.UndelegateRecord) (stop bool)) {}

IterateUndelegatedRecords navigates de-delegation records.


claim.go is responsible for the logic of issuing the deposited asset as an snAsset.


func (k Keeper) ClaimShareToken(ctx sdk.Context, zone *icacontroltypes.RegisteredZone, asset sdk.Coin) (sdk.Coin, error) {}

ClaimShareToken is used when user want to claim their share token. It calculates user's share and the amount of claimable share token.


func (k Keeper) MintTo(ctx sdk.Context, claimer sdk.AccAddress, mintCoin sdk.Coin) error {}

MintTo mints sn-token(share token) regard with deposited token to claimer.


func (k Keeper) TotalClaimableAssets(ctx sdk.Context, zone icacontroltypes.RegisteredZone, claimer sdk.AccAddress) (*sdk.Coin, error) {}

TotalClaimableAssets returns the total amount of claimable snAsset.


func (k Keeper) CalculateDepositAlpha(userDepositAmt, totalShareTokenSupply, totalStakedAmount *big.Int) *big.Int {}

CalculateDepositAlpha calculates alpha value. This function is used when calculating the amount of snAsset issued.

DepositAlpha = userDepositAmount / totalStakedAmount

Issued snAsset = Alpha * totalShareTokenSupply


func (k Keeper) CalculateWithdrawAlpha(burnedStTokenAmt, totalShareTokenSupply, totalStakedAmount *big.Int) *big.Int {}

CalculateWithdrawAlpha calculates lambda value. This function is used when calculating the amount of native coin issued with burning snAsset.

WithdrawAlpha = userWithdrawAmount / totalStakedAmount

Issued coin = Lambda * totalShareTokenSupply


func (k Keeper) GetSnDenomForIBCDenom(ctx sdk.Context, ibcDenom string) (string, error) {}

GetSnDenomForIBCDenom changes the IBCDenom to the appropriate SnDenom.


func (k Keeper) GetTotalStakedForLazyMinting(ctx sdk.Context, denom, transferPortId, transferChanId string) (sdk.Coin, error) {}

GetTotalStakedForLazyMinting returns the sum of coins delegated to the Host chain, which have not been issued snAsset.


func (k Keeper) ConvertWAssetToSnAssetDecimal(amount *big.Int, decimal int64, denom string) sdk.Coin {}

ConvertWAssetToSnAssetDecimal changes the common coin to snAsset's denom and decimal.


func (k Keeper) ConvertSnAssetToWAssetDecimal(amount *big.Int, decimal int64, denom string) sdk.Coin {}

ConvertSnAssetToWAssetDecimal changes snAsset to matching coin denim and decimal.


delegation.go manages metadata for periodic remote delegations. Because remote delegation occurs once in a few days, it manages the last remote delegation version.


func (k Keeper) GetDelegateVersionStore(ctx sdk.Context) prefix.Store {}

GetDelegateVersionStore returns store for delegation.


func (k Keeper) SetDelegateVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, version uint64) {}

SetDelegateVersion sets version for delegation corresponding to zone-id records.


func (k Keeper) GetDelegateVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string) uint64 {}

GetDelegateVersion returns version for delegation corresponding to zone-id records.


withdraw.go is responsible for the logic of issuing the withdraw action.

IcaWithdraw uses ICA to release the delegation and imports the assets in Zone's vault to Supernova.

Withdraw withdraws assets transferred to Supernova via IcaWithdraw.


func (k Keeper) SetWithdrawRecord(ctx sdk.Context, record *types.WithdrawRecord) {}

SetWithdrawRecord stores the withdraw record.


func (k Keeper) GetWithdrawRecord(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId, withdrawer string) (result *types.WithdrawRecord, found bool) {}

GetWithdrawRecord returns withdraw record item by key.


func (k Keeper) DeleteWithdrawRecord(ctx sdk.Context, withdraw types.WithdrawRecord) {}

DeleteWithdrawRecord removes withdraw record.


func (k Keeper) GetWithdrawVersionStore(ctx sdk.Context) prefix.Store {}

GetWithdrawVersionStore returns store for Withdraw-version.


func (k Keeper) SetWithdrawVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, version uint64) {}

SetWithdrawVersion set withdraw version for zone id.


func (k Keeper) GetWithdrawVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string) uint64 {}

GetWithdrawVersion returns current withdraw-version.


func (k Keeper) SetWithdrawRecordVersion(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, state types.WithdrawStatusType, version uint64) bool {}

SetWithdrawRecordVersion set new version to withdraw record corresponding to zoneId and state.


func (k Keeper) SetWithdrawRecords(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, time time.Time) {}

SetWithdrawRecords write multiple withdraw record.


func (k Keeper) GetWithdrawAmt(ctx sdk.Context, amt sdk.Coin) (sdk.Coin, error) {}

GetWithdrawAmt is used for calculating the amount of coin user can withdraw after un-delegate. This function is executed when ICA un-delegate call executed, and calculate using the balance of user's share coin.


func (k Keeper) GetWithdrawAmountForUser(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId, denom string, withdrawer string) sdk.Coin {}

GetWithdrawAmountForUser returns withdraw record corresponding to zone id and denom.


func (k Keeper) GetTotalWithdrawAmountForZoneId(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId, denom string, blockTime time.Time) sdk.Coin {}

GetTotalWithdrawAmountForZoneId returns total withdraw amount corresponding to zond id and denom.


func (k Keeper) ClaimWithdrawAsset(ctx sdk.Context, from sdk.AccAddress, withdrawer sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coin) error {}

ClaimWithdrawAsset is used when user want to claim their asset which is after undeleagted.


func (k Keeper) IsAbleToWithdraw(ctx sdk.Context, from sdk.AccAddress, amt sdk.Coin) bool {}

IsAbleToWithdraw returns if user can withdraw their asset. It refers nova ICA account. If ICA account's balance is greater than user withdraw request amount, this function returns true.


func (k Keeper) IterateWithdrawRecords(ctx sdk.Context, fn func(index int64, withdrawInfo *types.WithdrawRecord) (stop bool)) {}

IterateWithdrawRecords iterate all withdraw records.


func (k Keeper) ChangeWithdrawState(ctx sdk.Context, zoneId string, preState, postState types.WithdrawStatusType) {}

ChangeWithdrawState set new withdraw state from preState to postState.